The Organizing Committee of XXII Contest of Children's Literature "Encarnación Martínez Barberán," which organized a regional Training Center Samaniego, AMPA the same center and the Department of Education and Culture the Hon.
Sewer City Council would recall that on Friday April 23 is the deadline for admission of students to work in the region want to present the competition.
Once submitted, published and sent to the bases of the XXII edition to all facilities in the region.
We are in the most interesting phase: the reception of the work with great interest and prepare our young literary quality.
Anyone who wants to, we still have time, you can participate by submitting their works to this address:
XXII Contest of Children's Literature "Encarnación Martínez Barberán"
Samaniego Learning Center
C / Doctor Alfonso Pacheco, s / n
30820, Sewer
You can also send email to:
We, from here to encourage our young writers to submit their concerns, their world view and things, dreams, etc.
embodied in leaves that will make us see reality through his eyes and his pen.
We also encourage parents and teachers to give them the necessary advice and support in this race so early start.
Finally, thanks to all Primary Schools and Secondary their attention and interest because the competition rules to reach their students, to families who are an endless source of encouragement to their children and for our young people especially, the object of our concern and occupation.
Source: ampa.samaniego