The Municipal Socialist Group will be requested at the next Full Council that "the government team organized physical activities with nature: hiking, cycling and others.
Activities to all sectors of the population, from young children to our elders "in the words of the Socialist councilor Cesar Candel.
For Caesar Candel, "in the society in which we live is important to enjoy nature, and if doing physical activity the better." However, "in the activities of the council of Sports City Sewer are missing activities taking place in the natural environment, as can be to organize marches hiking trails or bicycle. "
He explains that "the benefits of these activities are obvious: knowledge of the natural environment, physical activity, renunciation, so widespread, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and reduction of the dangers such as hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, etc.."
Battery container facility
Candel Caesar will also request the installation of containers for selective collection of used batteries, which was adopted unanimously, and yet has not been done.
It is unacceptable that batteries are run down the street, flowing to the sewer or to landfill along with other waste without separating and untreated and that the City would not do anything. "
For Caesar Candel, "is an issue that affects the quality of life of its neighbors in the maintenance of uncontaminated aquifers, the quality of air we breathe, etc ..."
Marking of pedestrian crossings
On the other hand, Caesar Candel going to apply again to the House "the marking of pedestrian crossings and traffic lights are needed to improve the safety of pedestrians."
And is that the Socialist Municipal Group requested in February 2009, signaling many pedestrian crossings, such as those at the beginning of Calle San Fernando and Eras, next to the railroad underpass on Calle San Sebastian non-existent in the Calle Mayor Luis Sánchez García, high-traffic street today because it captures all that is directed from the area of the Black Voice and Entrevías to Avenida Santa Ana
The proposal was adopted unanimously, but the PP has been one year without doing anything.
"You can not continue, neither can nor should be dereliction of duties by the council in charge of these matters."
Finally, Caesar Candel has also requested the installation of a traffic light for pedestrians on the street Aviation Agrochemicals with El Topo, "due to the large number of people, especially students attending IES Alcántara, is growing and are at great and unnecessary risk. "
Source: PSOE Alcantarilla