Sewer The City Council will have four of their sports a semi-automatic defibrillator to provide comprehensive support to users.
The installation of these devices will be provided by CajaMurcia Foundation, which pays the cost of 15,000 euros, the result of the agreement signed this morning Sewer Mayor Lazaro Mellado and CajaMurcia Foundation representatives.
In the act have also been the deputy mayor of Sports, Cristóbal García Morata, and representatives for Sewer CajaMurcia, Aurelio Mateo Herrero, Head of Area and the director of the Office of High Street, Marien Love Gómez.
These defibrillators are prepared to administer electric shocks to people who suffer cardiac arrest, which care can be a tool to save lives in places such as sports facilities where users can suffer from cardiovascular problems.
Sewer Lifepak have four devices, Medtronic, in four of the sports facilities.
They are prepared for any individual without medical knowledge to use.
Once applied to the potential patient, the machine itself detects whether or not a true cardiorespiratory crisis, in which case the download appropriate to solve the problem.
Sewer Mayor Lazaro Mellado, during the signing of the agreement with the Foundation CajaMurcia thanked the installation of four defibrillators "are a tool in the XXI century for sport is health.
It is a tool that can save lives and therefore their installation on Sewer sports is very important, and a performance that will give a quality range of sports.
It is a commitment to health and sport.
If only life was saved thanks to these defibrillators, the investment will be worthwhile.
The sports facilities will have the defibrillator is in the sports center in the pavilion "Faust Vicent", and in the halls James Thomas "Magrit" and the other two existing schools with "Jara Carrillo" and "Nuestra
Ms Health. "
At the same time, when launched, the system is ready to automatically call emergency services.
In this way, the specialists set off to deal with the emergency while the patient is being treated by the defibrillator.
Although the devices are ready for anyone to use, the City Council instruct the maintenance staff of the sports facilities and services of the Red Cross so they can properly address these emergencies.
The apparatus is simple, easy to use and extremely reliable as soon as it begins to function gives precise instructions on its use and the process continues to recognize the patient's condition and assess the next steps for the proper treatment.
Equipment must be located within a column that will withstand the defibrillator.
The defibrillator is operated through a simple three-step mechanism that significantly reduces user anxiety and response time.
Be prepared to detect implanted pacemakers.
According to a study by cardiologists at Johns Hopkins University (USA) submitted to the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (AHA) "the installation of these defibrillators in public places save lives."
In the study by American cardiologists: "At work, seen in emergency situations from real life that use of these defibrillators bystander randomly selected twice the survival rate of victims experiencing cardiac arrest due myocardial infarction or arrhythmia. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla