In the morning in the Local Development Agency, it has made the presentation of the application for payment of the ORA through mobile devices.
In the same attended by the Mayor of Sewell, Joaquín Buendía, the Councillor for Education, Citizenship and Modernization, Juan Manuel Gomez, CEO of Zone Parking and Services SAU, Domingo Vizcaino and Javier Sepulveda, engineer of the company that has worked on the development of the application, who has made a demonstration to attendees.
With the commissioning of this EYSAMobile application, this system will allow who is high in it, the power to settle the fee regulated parking with their mobile without having to go to the parking meter.
Among the advantages is the one to get an automatic notification when the user ticket is about to end, can extend anywhere, with two simple clicks, even if it has been reported, for payment has expired to cancel the complaint.
This presentation has been informed of the importance of using this EYSAMobile application, to be able to park properly regulated zone without going to the parking meter, or leave a receipt in your vehicle.
As we indicated earlier the power to extend the parking time without returning to the meter.
Being able to consult in real time all the information about parking users and payments, the occupancy rate in the area want to park in the area EYSAMobile consult at any time and fees and bonuses available.
Being in this application also gives the option to use the balance in any parking space regulated EYSAMobile, either in our city or any other that is set this application and achieve the benefits of access bonuses parking time in the shops in your area and save time and worry.
EYSAMobile is available today in areas that ORA is set in our town, in the main street, Avenida Martinez Campos, Catholic Kings street Doctor Fleming, Sagunto, Steps, Eras, Cartagena, Ruiz Carrillo, Juan XXIII Square.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla