The Education Commission unanimously adopted the Socialist motion in which improvement actions called for in the IES Sanje Sewer.
The Socialist deputy, Choni Ludeña, defended the Commission to act immediately to improve, adapt and extend this school.
Also requests that transform and perform the Integrated Vocational Training Centre Sanje, promised since 2011 and that no existing line Training is eliminated.
Ludeña also claimed that the current offer of the Centre expands with new training cycles, some have requested, to provide better training.
Recently, the Socialist Group at the request of the Association of Teachers Training Sanje Sewer IES paid a visit to this center with other parliamentary groups of the Regional and Municipal Assembly of City Sewer,
The Association of Teachers of Vocational Training IES Sanje told them that their actions and claims are intended to prevent the loss of the teaching of vocational training, increasing the training offer, and thus giving the town of Sewell so this demand.
Choni Ludeña added that "it is unacceptable that the sorry state is the center because it is a training center of reference, with a 80 percent employability, which investments to get ahead deserves."