Promoted by the UGT union, attended by 60 people, including local police, National Police, Civil Guard, emergency medical services and lawyers.
Yesterday was held in the "Infanta Elena" Cultural Center in Sewell, promoted by the UGT union, the Second Conference on the adaptation of the new Public Safety Act and Criminal Code Reform, Daniel Rincon, Deputy Inspector of the PNC and a member of the UPR stationed at the Police Headquarters of Murcia and Bartholomew Mayol Officer Sewer Local Police and Law Degree from the University of Murcia, as speakers.
A second conference has given the union in this area (the first in Alhama and next morning, Wednesday, September 16 in Cartagena), was attended by 60 local police in the municipalities of Eagles, Fortuna, Jumilla, La Union, Las Torres gossips and Sewer, along with members of the Civil Guard and National Police and members of the emergency medical services and various lawyers.
The first part dealt with the adaptation of the new Public Safety Act by Daniel Rincon, analyzed the problems on the real adaptation to everyday agents, developing case studies on: IDs to people, searches, drug use public intervention in rallies, opening and closure of premises, powers of mayors and delegates from government, and finally how to prepare the records and disciplinary procedures.
The second part by Bartholomew Mayol was on the Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure Act to disappear Book 3, concerning criminal offenses.
Here the disappearance of faults and inclusion in the Penal Code was analyzed.
A few new figures called minor, less serious and serious crimes.
Consequently it analyzed when and as appropriate detention before prosecuting such crimes as were previously classified as misdemeanors.
Making a long story where the legislature has been including in each of the parts that compose the Penal Code.
As a consequence have disappeared and ordinary fouls immediate judgments and appeared the speedy trial for misdemeanors and minor crimes trial Qualifying.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla