The event was attended by the Minister of Industry, Tourism, Business and Innovation, Juan Carlos Ruiz;
the vice chancellor of the UPTC and candidate of the Popular Party Regional Assembly, Juan Luis Pedroza;
and President of the Popular Party of Sewell, Lazarus Mellado.
Joaquín Buendía made a clear commitment to the so-called "Smart City" and energy efficiency: "The Popular Party is aware that our cities are moving towards the use of ICT, both for the service of citizens and for the better use and development energy. "
The Minister of Industry, Tourism, Business and Innovation thanked Buendia the idea of ​​having organized "for the first time an event dedicated to the Smart City, as digital cities are very important tools nowadays. Therefore, the Popular Party the candidate Pedro Antonio Sanchez, are committed to this idea, because through these digital platforms, citizens can see first hand the information available to the public administrations and bodies of the Region of Murcia in its entirety. "
Then Joaquin Buendia spoke to the audience about the possibilities of advancing the use of ICT and energy efficiency by the inhabitants of cities and municipalities, as well as the difficulties in the use of energy resources.
Therefore, the candidate said "that this first event dedicated to digital cities and energy efficiency have also taken to find possible solutions to a misuse of these digital platforms and energy by the public authorities. Therefore we wanted with the presence of five major experts to tell us their experiences. "
The popular candidate gave way and the dean of the College of Graduate Engineers and Telecommunications, José Javier Medina Muñoz;
Energy Services Company and SmartCity Elecnor, represented by Lola engineers Telecommunications Chesa yYurena Saura González Domínguez;
the national deputy of the Popular Party and Telecommunications Engineer, Teodoro Garcia Egea;
and Francisco José Espejo, Town Planning of the City of Cartagena.
They spoke about their experiences as managers and leaders in the use of technologies and energy to making cities increasingly digital cities.
Source: PP Alcantarilla