The candidate for mayor of Sewell for Progress and Democracy Union, Natividad Ramírez said that "urges regenerate the municipal policy to be transparent and let the neighbors know where and how their money is spent."
Ramirez said that "the council has to make public its decisions and accounts, especially those affecting basic services" and believes that "any business, social, neighborhood group, must be reported promptly."
The candidate of the formation magenta makes these statements after the published information on the City Sewer has paid 25,000 euros for extra hours to 5 employees.
"From UPyD want the circumstances in which they have received such awards and why specific actions are clarified," he adds.
In addition, Ramirez requires the Consistory "transparency again and that neighbors know the reason for discrimination in the payment of overtime between the different groups of municipal employees."
The electoral program for the municipality tosher UPyD considers "the development of an ordinance requiring transparency and commits the council to facilitate citizen access to information on municipal management".
Finally, the candidate points out that "we are committed to fight corruption and cronyism, because UPyD born with that commitment and it has shown."
Source: UPyD Región de Murcia