Sewer Carnival 2015 was held the morning of Sunday with a bright big parade, where the groups and groups that toured our street, they did this year under the theme, "Cartoons", it started at the half past eleven from the street term, as usual, to the Plaza de San Pedro, where the awards established by the City Sewer surrendered and this year taking collaboration in sponsoring prizes Hero Foundation Vincent Lopez and Spain, with 1,400 euros City Sewer, 600 euros of Vicent Lopez Foundation and Lots 15 products Hero Spain.
The two FIRST PRIZES were for LOCAL COMPARSA 600 €, corresponded to the troupe "BEYSA" Sewer, while the COMPARSA VISITOR 600 € was for the troupe "TAMBATAYA" Mula, these awards were sponsored by City Sewer.
The SECOND PRIZE worth 300 € for the troupe "OF OFFENSE" Bacons Bridge and Third prize worth 200 €, was for Comparsa "DANCE CARMEN" Sewer, these awards being sponsored by Vicent Lopez Foundation.
Three FOURTH PRIZES, endowed with 100 euros City Sewer and Foundation Vincent Lopez and a lot of products of Hero Spain, were for the groups: "NEW CHARM" mule, "GROUP OLÉ" Sewer and "Ballare" Sewer.
While the two FIFTH PRIZE endowed both with lots of products Hero Spain, went to the troupe "IGUAZÚ" Sewer and "SAMANA" Mula.
The jury of this edition will consist, as president by Patricio Pérez Fernández, Deputy Mayor for Culture, Education, Youth, Party and New Technologies, accompanied by Carmen Manzanera, broadcaster Radio Tuning, Juan Sornichero, president of the Federation of Peñas festive of Sewer, Virgilio Mellado, head of Vicent López, Pedro José Martínez Teruel, Marketing and Events Hero Spain, serving as secretary Juan Martinez Pini, department head of the Culture Foundation.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla