Following one of the most important objectives of active employment policies, organized by the Department of Education of Local Development Agency Sewer, last weekend, Friday and Saturday, has conducted a Theoretical Course -Convenient aimed at obtaining titles Carretillero and operator of lifts (Metal industry, Ceramics, Glass, Wood and Construction), again in collaboration with the Training Centre Olmos Cases.
They have participated 21 people mostly from our town, but also participated neighbors of other surrounding towns.
For two days, students have been very intensive lectures, but mostly have had the opportunity to intern with most popular machines in the loading and unloading companies directly Sewer, where they could share multiple experiences.
The readiness of all students is very satisfactory, allowing them to access a job in these specialties, which are much in demand among companies in various sectors.
From the Department of Employment directing Eva Duarte, is permanently committed to the training of workers in order to have more chances of getting a job higher level of expertise.
The regular plenary last Thursday, November 27, approved a motion proposed by the Popular Party to continue working in active same policies that are giving such good results.
By 2015, both from the Autonomous Community and the City Sewer, will be given special preference to vocational guidance and training, to improve the unemployment figures.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla