This morning was held the regular meeting of the Local Council of Trade Sewer, under the temporary presidency of the Vice Mayor and Town Planning, Environment, Trade and Industry, Juan Jose Gomez Hellin and with the assistance of the director General Consumer, Trade and Handicrafts, Cobarro Ms. Ana Perez, Ms Maria Eva Duarte Lopez, Councillor of Industry and Trade;
and representatives of local groups of City Hall, Merchants Association, Hospitality Association, Business Association and Park West Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Murcia.
Spoke first president to welcome all attendees and specially recognize the presence of the CEO, who once again demonstrates his sensitivity to trade in our town.
He then moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, which had the votes of all present.
Below is the letter sent by the Chamber of Commerce in which he named his representative and member of the Council was read.
After reading, knowledge of the appointment was made and presented to other members of the meeting.
The cameral representative welcomed the opportunity to participate in this Committee, being the only one that has so far had the camera.
He offered, on behalf of the President, to support the operation of this body.
After the second item on the agenda, addressed the Councillor of Commerce, who made an extensive presentation to publicize all the activities undertaken by the Department, in collaboration with associations and Hospitality Merchants along throughout the year and could be described as very positive, given the good reception and have had good results.
He reiterated the absolute disposal of the municipal government to continue to support the initiatives of entrepreneurs, which certainly was assuming a clear boost economic activity in our town, which is being reflected in job creation, which has this year a positive development.
Then spoke the general manager, who wanted to thank the invitation to attend the meeting, the first local council who attends and he congratulated all members for setting up such an important organ that should be the main driver of proposals to further support the industry, which in the case of Sewell is the leading economic sector.
By the Chief of the Commerce Department reported that the Ministry of Economy is developing legislation to regulate the functioning of the strip mall, which will rely decisively as a catalyst for the economy of the municipalities .
It is hoped that this new legal framework to come into force in a few months, as the draft is very advanced.
He took the floor again Ana Cobarro to advance the main lines from his department had been working for 2015, with a special program to improve the historic centers and new programs to support the trade.
The next speaker Luciano Herreros, Councillor for Sports, who said he had great expectations for the race which is being organized for February, which is expected holds between 8,000 and 10,000 people, so it would be good to trade opening day celebration, as among participants and attendees to see the proof many people would move, which would be positive for the local municipality.
On behalf of the Merchants' Association intervened president, Manuel Jimenez, who appreciated the cooperation of the City every few initiatives have been proposed over the whole year and was pleased to have a forum like this to make new proposals, while encouraged the authorities to continue supporting the trade in order to maintain jobs and contribute to our economy was recovering.
The speaking time in relapsed after representative entrepreneurs Industrial Estate West, who called for greater support from the City Council, being the main industrial center of the city with the greatest number of workers.
After the question and answer section by some Council members adjourned the meeting.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla