The Confraternity of the Most Holy Body of Christ "Lord of the World" and Entombment Sewer (Murcia) Morning delivery on 04 April 2014 Corpus Award during the celebration of the Supper of Honor of this institution being the recipient thereof, the Brotherhood Entombment of Valladolid.
Your Brother Jesús González Exposito, along with members of the Governing Board of the Brotherhood Castilian Leon, collect this award after holding Claustral Procession to be held at the Church of St. Peter the Apostle at 20.00 hours where they will parade with their habits.
Previously, shall be received officially by the Mayor of our city, D.
Lazarus Mellado Sanchez, who will deliver them a present memory and will welcome a Sewer.
Source: Archicofradía del Santísimo Cuerpo de Cristo