The next Saturday, April 5, at 20:00 am in the "Infanta Elena" Cultural Center, will be held the opening speech of the Holy Week, organized by the Guild Board and also receive the same appointment and attributes the Guild Mayor toshers Easter 2014, by agreement of the Board, was awarded to the person of Pedro Martínez Pérez, known in our community with the family nickname "The Tontino".
Most of the distinctions that the Guild Board Pasionarias Sewer delivery, distinguishes him from living the Week Pasional his people, since childhood, first with his father John, and later as unconditional devotee of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Body Christ "Lord of the World" and Entombment.
And on the day of Corpus Christi, and throughout the year - Mr. Bartender, being one of the carriers of the Palio.
By its deep religiosity.
For live and spread Easter to its surroundings, is what Pasionarias Guild Board, he appoints Cofrade Major Sewer Easter 2014.
Pedro was born in Sewell in 1936, has 78 years, is the current patriarch of a family saga that has its origins in 1834.
He is married to Dolores Salmerón Giner, are parents of two children, Elizabeth and John, whose marriage with José Pellicer Córdoba and Petra Maria Carrillo Guzmán, respectively, have given their grandparents happy four grandchildren: Hope, Perico, Pedro and Maria Dolores.
Perico's beginnings in the noble art of getting the cast were very early.
Circumstances of life had to be very few years, and with his mother in front of the quarry, with the traditional craft of stone extraction in the alcantarilleras quarries, with the usual help of drills, cooking in some artisans ovens and finish grinding.
Then move on to the final sale in baskets or bushels.
In those times of hardship, purchases are made mostly Spit, visiting the homes almost always bike-of its customers.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla