Murcia Senator Maria José Nicolás and Deputy Mayor of Health and Human Services, also responsible Area Women's Health Hernández howled, have delivered this morning the Area VI Awards Women of Sewell, to the Association "Women Row" of Sewer to Institutional and Individual level to Ms. Guirao embodies Jara, Director of People, Organization and CSR Hero Spain category.
Awards were given in the hall of residence "Virgen de la Salud" being framed within the activities planned to celebrate International Women's Day have been held throughout this week.
Thus concludes the activities planned by the City Sewer, through the Department of Health and Human Services, within the area of ​​Women, which began last Monday, giving reading the Manifesto 8 March, which at the institutional level has been expected from the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.
Along with the awards, the awardees have received another significant award, which is the Old People Day Care Center "Pedro Hernández Caballero" have done.
Thus fulfilling the agreement of the Local Government Board, the February 7, awards in this sixth edition have received them in the individual category, Ms. Guirao embodies Jara, Director of People, RS and Institutional Relations Hero Iberia (Spain and Portugal), remaining to be awarded this prize example of the importance of the presence of women in leadership positions and their contribution to promote the employment of women in the municipality through the development of equality policies.
In the institutional category of the Association "WOMEN ROWS" Sewer, group of ten women from the 25 who started the project-, moving forward with great difficulty and by recycling and the work they do, have kept the project even when they lacked props.
Began their journey in 2002 in the neighborhood of San José Obrero, being its main objective has been and continues to be, the Promotion WomenIn social exclusion, so that they can access living more dignas.Se This project focused on training, promotion of women through socio accompaniment for it and transversely recycling used clothing and household goods to support the project.
Granting the award to highlight this group of women who make up the Association in the same contribution to the promotion of women with difficulties in social and occupational integration, social, cultural and professional life of the district.
The award was accepted by its president, Felisa Alvarez, along with the other women who make up this Association.
These awards, which are awarded in its sixth year, are part of the events planned by the City Sewer occasion of International Women's Day, to Institutional and Individual level, institutionalizing them in order to recognize the work of those persons or entities in your life or do daily, and help promote the full integration of women in the labor, social and cultural reality of the municipality.
Guirao embodies graduated in law from the University of Murcia.
He is the Director of People, RS and Institutional Relations Hero Iberia (Spain and Portugal), a company in which he began to work more than 30 years.
Mother of a large family.
Formed in different specific areas of human resources such as leadership, team management, management by objectives, risk prevention, job evaluation, performance appraisal and emotional intelligence, among others.
In 1981, Hero began in Spain as head of the Legal and Social Services.
In 1991 access to the post of Human Resources, Social Responsibility and Institutional Relations Hero Iberia (Spain and Portugal).
Member of the Board - Councillor Ibermutuamur by Hero Spain (currently).
Member Advisor in the Ministry of Education, Universities and Employment Bureau in respect of employment and other.
(Different periods).
Leading the Human Resources area of ​​Hero Spain, provides internal training of HR organization to various bodies and members of the Company.
Regular speaker at Business Schools, Business Institutions and Universities, in lectures, seminars, conferences and lectures in areas of Human Resources, Social Responsibility, Flexibility, Gender Equality and Prevention of Occupational Risks.
Collaborate in the Master of the Chair of Social Responsibility of the University of Murcia.
Contribution Hero
Hero is a leader in its sector based on pioneering collective bargaining, the Training and Development of People, Political Equality, Social Responsibility and Occupational Risk Prevention, made all for an integrated and coherent management through trust and commitment, which facilitates the achievement of the objectives set in the strategy of the Company at any time, having great impact on the environment, with tractor and model management at local and national level Company, forming the soul of a multinational company with a strong local character.
As borne out by the numerous awards, including:
Regional Awards and distinctions:
Own more than 30 years collective agreement, with improvements in general working conditions.
1998 Laurel FEAPS: by the employment of people with intellectual disabilities.
1999 Promotion of Occupational Risks, being the first company audited voluntarily in the Region of Murcia, with favorable outcome.
2004: Promotion of Equality for Women.
Organization of Women Entrepreneurs of Murcia.
2007: Recognition of National Police Sewer for Social Action.
2008: We were honored to hear as the Virgin Pregonera Health, Patroness of Sewell, we announcing its big parties and big devotions.
2009: Golden Spike - Second Prize, the Spanish Federation of Food Banks and Ministry of Agriculture.
., 2012: - Best practices of Occupational Risks "Antonio Ruiz Giménez" Award
2014: III Humana Awards Address, in the category "Professional", with which the HR managers have played their role with proven success differs.
2014: Awards March 8, in favor of equality.
For the policy developed from the Department of Personnel and Institutional Relations, who is credited with contributing to ensure no gender discrimination in the selection of personnel and measures to promote the social and family conditions of staff company.
National Awards:
2000: Training and Development Policy, Human Capital Magazine.
2004: Award for Corporate Social Responsibility.
University of Deusto.
By aligning the Strategic Human Resources Policy of Hero, with a corporate culture voluntarily assumed by management and workers, based on the development of people, teamwork and company identification with the social work reality.
2005: First Company of the Region of Murcia in obtaining the Flexible Company Award "Towards the balance of the Professional and Personal Life", Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, IESE and media.
2008: One of the nine protagonists of the book: "Women Leaders" Martha Romo, among which includes Ana María Llopis, Susana Griso, Adriana Kaplan, Pilar Acosta among others, in Chapter Conciliation and flexibility.
2012: Social Business Foundation Award World City
With all these projects and recognition of influence, Hero tractor work has been done within the region and nationally, to other companies in the areas of reconciliation of work and personal life, Corporate Social Responsibility, Occupational Hazards, training , versatile, flexible, culture, talent management, etc, making it a pioneer in Hero HR issues at the national level in large, medium and small businesses that do not relate directly or with Hero.:
Awards have been promoted "flexible Enterprise" in the Region of Murcia
Being engines and promoting corporate social responsibility in the field of:
Employment and training
Occupational risks
Humanitarian Aid
The Association "Women Row" has been operating since 2002 in the neighborhood of San José Obrero, Sewer, its main objective has been and continues to be, the Promotion WomenIn social exclusion, so they can access conditions of life more dignas.Se is a project focused on training, promotion of women through socio accompaniment for it and transversely recycling used clothing and household goods to support the project.
In the beginning they were supported by the "Auto City" support association that continues today and whose headquarters is also located in the neighborhood of San José Obrero.
They began recycling used clothing and accessories, and RAKE THE SALT was created.
The couple began their work with training. Confection with industrial machine, dressmaking, literacy, passwork, Social Skills, Cooking, Self Esteem ... etc, supported by people who voluntarily devoted much of his time.
They create a space where they could learn and feel valued and important.
They have also participated in various exhibitions and events organized by the City Sewer and others in the area.
Initially were 8 people who started this journey, but over time this number has increased and has been renovated.
Currently the group consists of a total of 10 people have come forward with many difficulties.
Thanks to recycling and their work, the project still remained in years lacking support.
They have faced difficult situations in which they could only be maintained through the activity of recycling.
Luckily with the support of the "Workshop City", Caritas, and grants received years ago, association granted by the City Sewer, IMAS AND CAIXA, and of course his own work and the volunteers who have worked with them, remedied this situation and keeping the group alive and enthusiasm to get ahead today.
In Association have spent a total of 25 people, including 6 regularized found employment and are currently working.
Note that these 25 people bring their own families, mostly large families with dependent children, they face various problems daily to meet their basic needs in an area where the vast majority of population lives without a minimum income.
The Association is valued and esteemed in the neighborhood as reference and a neighborhood meeting place.
Currently in the process of reorganization and restructuring, with the support of Caritas.
They look forward to the future of the project and hope that this new step will bring them to the consolidation thereof and the reward so many years of struggle and effort to succeed.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla