Awards, in its second edition, awarded by the Journalism and Communication Laboratory for Plural Citizenship (LPCCP) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​in which researchers from the University of Murcia and San Antonio Catholic University have collaborated
In the morning of today, at the Cultural Center "Las Claras" of Murcia, the councilor for Social Welfare and Health, Francisca Terol, has received the SEAL INFORPARTICIPA 2017, the quality and transparency of local public communication, that the City Council has obtained through the transparency of our website, award given by the Laboratory of Journalism and Communication for Plural Citizenship (LPCCP) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​which involves researchers from the University of Murcia (UMU) and the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM).
The Minister of Transparency, Participation and Spokesperson, Noelia Arroyo, along with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Transparency, Participation and Spokesperson, Enrique Ujaldón, the President of the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia and the Mayor were also present. of Lorquí, Joaquín Hernández and the doctor in journalism of the LPCCP of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​Marta Corcoy.
The Councilor for Social Welfare, Francisca Terol, stressed "the commitment to transparency since the arrival of the new government team This quality seal is a sample of the excellent work of the Office of Citizen Participation and Transparency. the axes of the program of the government team ".
In this second edition there have been seven municipalities that have obtained the required score for the different categories established: Mention and Seal.
This Infoparticipa Seal is granted as a result of the study carried out, in which the transparency of the municipal websites is evaluated through 52 indicators, adapted to the Transparency Law, of which the Town Hall of Sewer complies 92.31% , standing above this 90%, which is the barrier that has to obtain the maximum distinction.
In this second edition, together with the town hall of Alcantarilla, the town halls of Cartagena (100%), Las Torres de Cotillas (96.1%), San Pedro del Pinatar (94.23%) and Lorquí and Águilas have been awarded. (90.38%), having received the City Council of Mula Mention, with 84.6%.
The MapaInfoparticipa is a tool that has been promoting the LPCCP of the UAB since 2012 to promote transparency and the quality of information from local administrations.
The current version, technically improved and containing the history of all the evaluations carried out, has been developed with the support of two I + D + I projects financed by the MINECO, under the coordination of two research teams led by the professor emeritus of the Department of Journalism of the UAB, Amparo Moreno Sardà , and by the professor of the University of Castilla la Mancha, Juan Luis Manfredi.
Up to now, three evaluations of the websites of the 45 municipalities have been carried out in the Region of Murcia.
The first, before the municipal elections of May 24, 2015, with 41 indicators, and the other two, with 52 indicators adapted to the Transparency Law.
This year's evaluation was carried out at the end of 2017.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla