From We can Alcantarilla denounce that this quarter the payments pending to suppliers of the City Hall exceed the payments made.
It is a situation that is repeated during the legislature, but in September 2015 Mayor Joaquín Buendía (PP) assured that "those aspects of more important expenses will be available in the transparency portal and you will not have to ask for that information because Will be available in the transparency portal as we are working on it ",
As for the outstanding payments, in the first quarter of 2016 a total of 437,726.08 euros of debt with suppliers was accumulated, and a year later it had grown to € 1,515,588.24, that is to say, the disastrous management of the PP Has multiplied by three times the debt with suppliers in one year.
Regarding transparency, almost halfway through the legislature, not a single bill has yet been made public.
The "we are working on it" demonstrates a cadre that uses the Popular Party to let time pass without giving solution to anything.
From our group we have special concern for the evolution that this year may have this subject.
In addition to no trace of invoices, no plan has been published to address payment to suppliers.
We consider that the current team of Government of the Popular Party of Mayor Joaquín Buendia lacks an economic project to solve the debt provoked by the PP and works without foresight, which tells us that we are going to a new economic ruin due to its disastrous management.
Source: Podemos Alcantarilla