On the occasion of the commemoration of the 25th International Day against Violence against Women, the City Council of Alcantarilla, through the Department of Social Welfare, Health and Consumer Affairs has scheduled for this year a series of awareness activities for the population in General, whose common denominator is the visibility of this problem in all social strata, seeking the involvement of all citizens to face and put "hands to work" to eradicate it, through the social isolation of the aggressors.
For this, it is imperative that the actions carried out in matters of Gender Violence are transverse to the whole society.
This year, so that the transversality is more visible in our own institution, we have involved in the programming, organization and participation of the activities throughout the City, through the corresponding Councils.
For tomorrow, November 25, International Day against Gender Violence, at 10:30 am, at the Infanta Elena Cultural Center, will perform a performance of Puppets "The Knight and the Princess", by Silbato Productions , With a theme of sensitization against gender violence, in which students from 1st grade of Primary Education will participate in all schools in Alcantarilla.
At 12 o'clock in the morning at the Infanta Elena Cultural Center, there will also be Reading of the Manifesto, the Institutional Declaration 2016, which from the Government of the Region of Murcia, has been planned for all municipalities, which will carry out students of Secondary Education, there will be a minute of silence in memory of the murdered women and they will be able to realize selfish with messages of repulsa against the violence of gender.
In this activity will participate 3rd grade students from the Secondary Education centers of our municipality.
In the same, will be present the Mayor of Alcantarilla, Joaquín Buendía, next to the Councilor of Social Welfare, Health and Consumption, Francisca Terol, as well as other members of the Municipal Corporation.
These two activities were planned in the Plaza Adolfo Suárez, but are moved by possible weather forecasts to said Cultural Center.
But the programmed activities will not end here as next Saturday, November 26, a Day of Sensitization and Prevention against Gender Violence, "Building Egalitarian Relations ..... success or failure", organized by MHAM MUAD.ONG (United Women in the World NGO Contributing to Development) and Alcantarilla City Council, through the Department of Social Welfare, Health and Consumer Affairs, at the Infanta Elena Cultural Center, being inaugurated at 10 am by the Director general of Women of the Region of Murcia, Alicia Barquero, along with Mayor Alcantarilla, Joaquín Buendía, who will also welcome to our city all the attendees, will read by the organizer the Manifesto of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Before 9:30 hours, the inscriptions will be made for this Day.
On Sunday, November 27, a March against Gender Violence will be held, with a 5-km walk, leaving at 10 am from the Plaza de San Pedro, next to the City Hall, open to all population, Which calls for them to join, more than ever, this time against violence against women.
Upon completion we will provide a courtesy supply of the HERO Spain sewer company, which cooperates with us, as will again have the collaboration of council council, such as Social Welfare, Sports;
Citizen Security, and we will have volunteers of Civil Protection Sewer.
Alcantarilla has also shown another campaign, always with the intention of raising awareness, more and more and more, for the elimination of gender violence, throughout the week with "NO PAPER WET", as last year, involved in The sensitization days of the hotel sector of Alcantarilla, this year also, the innkeepers of the municipality associated with HosteKantara have been involved in our campaign and have placed in their napkins, paper napkins, with messages against violence against women: "Your involvement Is essential.Not to gender violence, It is not wet paper, "in which the hotel supplies company Enrique Bohajar has collaborated.
This battery of awareness activities began with the realization of the poster, with the slogan "Pretend against gender violence", using as a material the hands painted purple, made by schoolchildren of Alcantarilla in the last campaign of commemoration of 25N.
And the activities began last November 18 with the Workshop on prevention of sexual assaults among adolescents: "Yes, it's not a yes, it's a no", in which 4º students from ESO of the IES Francisco Salzillo participated, In its own educational center, coordinated by the Department of Education and carried out by CAVI professionals (Yolanda Bastida, María Galián and Patricia Santesteban).
On November 21, the ornate Adolfo Suárez Square was held, with a large tie against gender violence and wreaths of purple paper hands, as well as the traditional tie in repulse against violence Of gender in the balcony of Alcaldía, of the Alcantarilla City Hall.
Tie made by the elderly people of the Center of Day Stays "Pedro Hernández Caballero".
It was also carried out in each of the municipal offices, with the Mayor taking part, as well as all members of the Municipal Corporation, municipal groups, officials of the various services, pringing themselves against gender violence with their hands soaked in paint and placing The same in the doors of access to their dependencies or in their own places of work.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla