In the morning the Day Center of the Association of Relatives of Alzheimer Sewer AFADE, has opened its doors on a day scheduled to mark World Alzheimer's Day, now commemorated and offer attendees a vision more real close and daily work develop in it, in its different services.
Early this Open Day, the president of AFADE Sewell, Julia Fernandez, welcomed the authorities had gathered, the Director of IMAS (Instituto Murciano Social Action), Miguel Angel Miralles, Mayor of Sewer, Joaquin Buendia and Councilwoman Social Welfare and Health, Francisca Terol, along with other members of the Municipal Corporation and representatives of different associations and groups in the municipality, along with relatives of the users.
A tremendously emotional morning, first with the talk given by Montserrat Galera, social worker IMAS Day Centre that the region has in the San Fernando street Sewer, with all the processes that are affected and solutions to be taken by relatives, extremely illustrative and awareness about this disease.
Then attendees had the opportunity to see a short film that was made on site of AFADE in our city, "While you're on my side," written and directed by Alfonso Garcia Pujalte, original music by Victor Esquembre, with the intervention of Carmen Blanco, Manuela Seville, Al Fernandez and Maria Sanchez.
The excitement up later with the musical and dance show offered five users of the center, elderly people with this terrible disease, which delighted and put a great note of warmth, love and hope to all present.
They themselves were later to his particular "market" offering a series of products, all imagination and magic of awareness for all authorities and persons who gathered at this Open Day II Day Centre AFADE.
Busting the morning visiting the facilities, making them known, envisioning the photo exhibition with their activities and get to know the different therapeutic areas that have to care for these patients.
All had a common denominator speeches by the authorities, the appreciation of the work of AFADE Sewer and effort put since the establishment of the Association by its president, Julia Fernández, who thanked the institutions present for coming to the call and "arroparnos on this day".
Sewer Mayor Joaquin Buendia, said "AFADE is an example of different realities that are reflected in this Association. The aim of AFADE awake affection, tenderness and supports. Therefore, both the City Council and the own Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities, we'll be there as always support these initiatives. it is important to assess the managerial work of the association of families that are members and professionals who lend their expertise to improve day after day the care being provided. Alcantarilla, is a municipality with a large number of users, thanks to being one of the very few people who have the opportunity to have three day centers, one regional IMAS at the Senior Center "Diego Cubillana" the city, our Center "Pedro Hernandez Caballero "and in which we find ourselves AFADE".
The director of IMAS, Miguel Angel Miralles, thanked the President of AFAD and professionals of the Center for the quality they offer and told them "you are the stars of this great project. Every time we help someone feel we well, we will fight the next day by another. the most important thing for me is people with alzheimer, but ye relatives. you need all the love and support of the world, as we try year after year to grow or at least, at present, the levels of financial support from the Regional Government and supported as have the City and its Municipal Corporation, as evidenced by today their presence in this Open day. Congratulations and congratulations on the excellent work you develop ".
In this celebration of World Alzheimer's Day 2016, AFADE Alcantarillase sum, how could it be otherwise, the campaign developed from CEAFA to mark this special day, in which it seeks to visualize the figure of caretaker of the person affected by Alzheimer figure often invisible.Desde family associations as AFADE are knowledgeable firsthand the effects generated by Alzheimer's disease in the family, but more on the figure of the primary caregiver, person suffering the disease both as the patient.
For this reason, as stated by the president of AFADE Sewell, "we join claims for effective care of these primary caregivers, since they are the cornerstone of true welfare of the person with Alzheimer's. For them and them to that sufficient resources to meet their needs are created, more than ever, we join the theme this year "with C CAREGIVER".
AFADE within the activities held tomorrow Thursday, September 22, at 20:00, a charity gala Dance, as every year, selflessly offer the Dance Academy of Mary Dolores Riquelme, in the "Infanta Elena Cultural Center "Sewer, with a price of five euro entry, as well as every year, finding them for sale in the Centre and the Academy, which expect to have more people and so see also wrapped up the work is carried out.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla