Deputy Secretary of Sector of the MPRP, Severa Gonzalez has responded to criticism of the PSOE on the effectiveness of the Plan to Improve Air Quality for the Region "is an effective instrument that provides for actions to mitigate the effects of pollutants and improve the quality of air".
He added that the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Environment maintains a "control system and ongoing monitoring of air quality through a network of measuring stations".
Regarding the possible contaminant episodes in the town of Sewell, Severa Gonzalez said that the reports of the Directorate General of Environmental Quality said that this year "have not exceeded the legal values ​​for benzene and not recommended for the case Toluene, whose measurement is not required but the regional government controls in an exercise of transparency and information to the citizens. "
Deputy Secretary of Sector of PP in the Region of Murcia recalled that in Sewer "has strengthened the mechanisms controlling emissions of companies located there are constantly inspected".
It has also He added that last year, in the chemical pole of the municipality a new system was installed consisting internationally in a hyperspectral camera, based on techniques of terrestrial remote sensing to refine the detection of harmful substances and the result of this system was forced to companies improve their emission processes. "
Ozone, Severa Gonzalez has said that his presence is due to the particular circumstances climate and high levels of radiation contribute to their training.
The head of Sector of the MPRP has advanced the forthcoming establishment of the Regional Commission for Monitoring Air Quality, consisting of administrations, social and economic partners, scientific community and the Minister of Water, Agriculture and Environment to analyze the evolution of the values ​​recorded by measuring stations and the effectiveness of the measures implemented.
Source: GPP