In the morning, feast of the patron of the City and the Corps of Local Police Sewer, Blessed Andrés Hibernón, was held in the "Infanta Elena" Cultural Center, the ceremony of awards to various members of the Body, as well as two public recognitions and congratulations, fulfilling the resolutions of City Hall, as required by Regulation Honors and Distinctions of the local police, approved in 2013, fulfilling the same for the third consecutive year.
The event was chaired by the Director General of Public Safety and Emergency, Manuel Duran and the Mayor of Sewell, Joaquín Buendía, accompanied by Fernando Goy, Colonel Chief Sewer Base, Colonel Chief of the Airborne Forces of the Army, quartering based in Santa Barbara, Luis Sanchez-Tembleque, the head of the Commissariat of National Police, Inspector Pedro S. Cano, President of the Brotherhood of Blessed Andrés Hibernón, Antonio L. Guijarro and the Chief Deputy Inspector Local Police in Sewell, Alfonso Garcia.
The representatives room other local police in the region, representatives of organizations and associations Sewer and members of the Municipal Corporation, practically in the middle, who wanted to be close to the members that make up the body of the local police of the municipality.
The General Secretary of the City Sewer Abbey Wonders I. Jover, read out the two resolutions Hall, the first the number 589 to indicate seniority members and following the established order delivery five each year, obtained in the today Crosses Silver to Constancia, in view of the merits and circumstances in the respective distinctions, these specifically in recognition of providing more than 20 years of active service in the Body of the local police.
They received them Capes Jose Garcia Sanchez and Jose Juan Sanchez Cerro, along with Jose Beltran Agents Parraga Salinas and Francisco Lopez.
And the second resolution, number 770, in this case to deliver two separate surveys of public card, also according to the Regulations Distinctions for two people, citizens of Sewell, for two different reasons, but also established within this regulations distinctions.
The first one to Rafael Menárguez Valera, the collaboration had with the Forces of State Security and the Sewer Local Police in the arrest on February 14, 2013, of an exhibitionist who was for several days prowled the doors Center Samaniego education, being of vital importance at that time the population of Sewell, especially for the families of the Center for monitoring was being done to this person and that Rafa Menárguez, then employee of the College and now concierge at a municipal sports facility, arrested after a long chase through the garden, making entangle reduce and put to the agents of the National Police, who called Rafa in hot pursuit.
The detainee traveled in those days several doors of schools, had in check to the police and parents of children in schools that had calls reporting.
The detainee had several criminal records in this regard and even more serious in his home province of Alicante.
The second of surveys and public greeting was for Juan de la Pérez Salmerón, former Councillor for Citizen Security in the legislature the years 2011-2015 Luz, also giving the fact that he was the one who proposed to the Municipal Corporation approved this first Regulation of Honors and Awards Corps of the local police, approved by the plenary on 29 January 2013 and published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia on April 27, 2013.
The act had words of Deputy Inspector Chief of Local Police in Sewell, Alfonso Garcia Molina, welcoming attendees in the delivery of awards to said body, thanking the work of the same, from managers, agents and the rest of the staff making up the area of ​​Public Safety, with a special message to the family in commemoration of the pattern.
To end the Mayor of Sewell, Joaquín Buendía, thanked the civil and military authorities attending the delivery of awards, congratulating the distinguished, welcoming the work developed for the city of Sewell, not only them, but all the Local Police Corps, encouraging them to continue in the line of collaboration it has with them, for the benefit of our people, valuing them being the first line of contact of our citizens.
It will be said on the way to go giving solution to all the needs that arise daily, especially in material means to carry out their work rewarding.
The Director General of Public Safety and Emergency, Manuel Duran, congratulated the honorees and toured the various processes of collaboration and work from the Ministry of the Presidency, they are being carried out, especially in that of providing material means also effective and training for the various municipalities in the region, feeling proud of the work they perform in each of the populations, feeling the different bodies of the local police as something very special for the Directorate General of Public Safety that him now corresponds face, always supported all initiatives carried out by the President of the Community, Pedro Antonio Sánchez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla