This morning, the GD Museums project was presented at the El Batel Auditorium in Cartagena, which is being promoted and coordinated by the IES Alcántara of our municipality.
The event was chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Esperanza Moreno accompanied by the Director General of Planning and Human Resources, Juana Mulero.
Accompanying the director of the IES Alcántara, Ginés Ruiz Bueno, and on behalf of our council has come the Councilor for Education, Juan Manuel Gómez.
The centers that are immersed in this project are: IES Alcántara, CEIP Las Tejeras, CEIP Jara Carrillo, Jose María Lapuerta and IES Los Molinos de Cartagena, IES Federico Balart de Pliego and Majal Blanco de Santomera.
The museums that are also part of the project are: Museum of the Huerta de Alcantarilla, Arqva de Cartagena, Archaeological Museum of Murcia, Santa Clara Museum, City Museum and Museum of Science and Water.
GD MUSEUMS is an innovation project in which the real protagonists are the students who will be the ones who will teach other students in the 16 workshops that have been programmed in the day of presentation of the project, being the teachers the coordinators of the same ones.
The theme of the workshops has revolved around augmented reality, programming, archeology, virtual reality, video, image and gamification.
Three are the central axes of the project: to foster collaboration, to propitiate the project dialogues and synergies through inter-center joint work, as well as to enjoy the potential of the museum as a learning space.
Finally, learning through the game through the gamification system created by the students themselves using educational technology.
The final result of the project will be the elaboration of a great quantity of didactic material for the museums that participate in it and that will be available to them so that it can be visited and used by its visitors.
According to Juan Manuel Gómez, "it is a pride for the municipality of Alcantarilla that the IES Alcántara is at the forefront of this important project, being able to mobilize and coordinate 7 educational centers and 1400 students from the Region of Murcia. pioneer in the use of new technologies applied to museums in the region, a project in which a very important and fundamental aspect is that students are the ones who train other students, thus acquiring a fundamental and central role in the teaching process -learning."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla